There is an emerging class of professional politicians. These politicians are those individuals who jump straight into politics with little outside accomplishments, such as running one's one business, joining the workforce, or otherwise contributing to society through some form of production. They are different from the politician who simply has a long political career after he has served society as a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or teacher, or any other service within the private sector.
These politicians are dangerous because they have little life experience. Like the professional intellectual, they are out of touch with their constituents in the one way that matters. They do not know that you have to work for your money, that you must produce something of value in order to compel an exchange for a portion of someone's else's wealth, rather than simply demanding it from someone else. They do not truly understand that individuals need to save money, that working for one's earnings is exercising virtue, that obtaining a handout belittles one's soul. They might deny that money grows on trees, but their experience tells them otherwise, that wealth does not need to be worked for, but rather is generated at random, and that distribution is necessary.
They do not know how negotiating one's self interest with the self interest of others generates character and empathy. They do not know the true value of sharing, without strings attached, the fruits of one's hard labor. A child who receives allowance and donates this money does not exercise as much compassion as the adult who had worked hard for his pittance and donates this money; for the child had not had to work for his possessions, but the adult had. They do not know how valuable this voluntary act of compassion is compared to a forced one, and how that changes one's heart into even greater generosity.
These politicians, lacking in this human wisdom, will bring down the very society he proclaims to protect.